This is a video of the trailer for the movie Blood Diamond, which shows the battle for a simple diamond. The is a great example of the trouble people go through to get money, or the great lengths they will go through to get these diamonds. Even though they are worth so much money, there shouldn’t be such a great conflict over them.

Blood Diamond

Everybody is trying to help others learn about the conflict in places like Sierra Leone, over these “Blood Diamonds”. With more people knowing about this conflict, the problem could be solved with help from the United States.

“Diamonds are forever
They won’t leave in the night
I’ve no fear that they might
Desert me”
-Kanye West

Something needs to be done about conflict diamonds. So much so that very influential stars are voicing thier own opinions. If everybody wants to put an end over these conflict, it will hopefully be easy to end forever.    

“Diamonds are f…

Conflict Diamond

There are you are.
Glittering like a star.
Symbolic of purity,
radiating surety,
and beautiful proof
that something so precious
can be born from upset.
You shimmer elegantly
as I wonder how something
so raw and innocent
can be so special.
You may not look much,
but your value is incomparable.
You are worth a million lifetimes,
and should occupy God’s own vault.
You will one day, of that I’m sure.
But for now, you’re my sparkling diamond,
so stunning, honest and pure

This poem has a very deep meaning towards diamonds. What the poem is saying is that even though diamonds look beautiful, they cause many others harm and distress. Dan Brown was able to show the conflict over diamonds between people by saying “you are worth a million lifetimes.” This poem shows how much of a problem this truely is.    

Blood Diamonds

Blood Diamonds are diamonds that are taken from a war zone and sold to earn a large profit.  This is a large problem in Africa. The Country is over run with these “Blood Diamonds” and it it becoming a world wide problem. The Diamonds are shipped all over the world and determine the prices of diamonds everywhere. Something should be done to end this problem, as quickly as possible. My blog will provide vast information on these blood diamonds and what we can do to  end this conflict.